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Fantastic graphics! I don't like the controls on keyboard, I will need to revisit the game with a joystick. Also I wish there was a slightly wider angle, especially when things go fast but maybe that is part of the challenge.

I like the low poly visuals and the music for the game. I just wish there was a story and exploration.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the comment, please keep in mind that it's a Ludum Dare (gamejam) entry, made in a weekend :)
Story and exploration are nice, but adding these when making a game in a single weekend while polishing it and make it look great is pretty hard ! Most Ludum Dare games are arcady and doesn't involve a lot of replayability.

This looks really cool but upon launching I get an error and if I show local files then it just shows a folder with files in but no exe's.

Hope you fixit soon.



Hello ! Did you try on windows ? Or was it mac / linux ?