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Oh hey look, a door! Oh hey look, a door! Oh hey look, a door! Oh hey look, a door! Oh hey look, a door! Oh hey look, a door! Oh hey look, a door! Oh hey look, a door! Oh hey look, a door! Oh hey look, a door! Oh hey look, a door! Oh hey look, a don't tell me...'nother door.


I love the game so far but I think I broke it


I broke it again. It took so long now I need to restart

(1 edit)

I cant crouch and can't zoom I'm on mac

is there going to be anymore updates?

Yup! We're still working on the final update.


i will say only one word...



Should I open the door?


That's insane. I love it!

...There, now your quotes section is wrong. >:)


I love how there are secrets after going through one door like 8 times


I'm on mac and there was a part where i went in the vent form the weird staircase after corectly entering a code, but it was pitch black and i could no see or do anything but pause and quit the game. is this intensional? 

Well this was a fun game enjoyed a lot amazing style ngl 

Really screw with your mind when you play it at 3:56AM, I like it.


We are taking some time off this project to explore new ideas. However we have one final update in the works! We'll announce the theme soon...

let me guess, it is gonna be called 'Even More Places'

Oh nice idea! Ahahah

..Don't worry it's something else. ;)

Deleted post

It depends on your platform. We use Unity's PlayerPrefs system to store data.

On Windows it's in your registry (under "HKCU\Software\TeagherStudio\Just More Doors").

On Mac it's stored here -> "~/Library/Preferences/com.TeagherStudio.Just More Doors.plist" (or something like that, never tried it on Mac).

On Linux it's here -> "~/.config/unity3d/TeagherStudio/Just More Doors".

Deleted post

This game is so much fun!


Doors, doors! They made my head spin.

(1 edit) (+2)

this is the backrooms but better


This game was interesting...I loved the way you showed us the truth on how radios are made! :)

PolygonDonut is happy



Oh developers. You beautiful, wonderful people that at this moment I want nothing more than to hurl insults at.

I spent 6 hours in one sitting on this game. I wrote down every code, every set of directions, I took pictures on my phone, and so much more. I was ABSOLUTELY SOLD that this was going to be a situation where a long string of directions was needed. And eventually I was stumped.

By pure chance (I literally stopped to eat some food) I, after six hours of desperate door opening, managed to create the conditions needed for the win.

When I tell you I gasped so hard I choked on my food, I sincerely mean it.

You. Cheeky. Beautiful. Horrible people.

Anyway you'll be happy to know I went into legitimately every room possible before I finally won according to exploration mode, so at least I got the full experience I guess.

Joking aside, this was a ton of fun. You all totally nailed the liminal space feel, and definitely accomplished your goal when it came to making the player think way too hard about the objective.

TLDR: You suck. Also I love you. Great game.


We love you too <3 Glad you hated enjoyed the game! Remember to open the door to win.


What a crazy, weird, and yet strangely fun game! Maybe it has something to do with "just one more door, and The Door will be right there. Just one more door. Ok, NOW one more door..." I could have kept going for hours possibly, but started to get tired. But to be honest tho, I dont even want to find The Door, I just want to see more rooms! There were some crazy weird places in here, some with a super creepy filter on it that just really made me worried something was going to jump out! Maybe adding some kind of entity that just stays at the edge of the vision fog, never wanting to get to close, but always moving will REALLY boost that creep factor! Is it a monster? Death? Some other poor soul that got stuck looking for The Door? Maybe if you catch it, it'll open a special room that has become its home.

Really enjoyed the game, and I hope you enjoy my video! 


Alright, I'm stumped I have no idea if there is a real ending I've been playing now for 4 hours and I'm just going into a loop mind helping me out

Deleted 99 days ago
(2 edits)


smoor eht fo eno ni gniliec eht no si edoc ehT


devs, news on the last update? your fans are starving!

Raivk here, the dev from Teagher Studio working on the update. I'm going through a quite chaotic period of my life right now, and Teagher Studio is a side project of mine (not my main job). Don't worry the update is still in the works. Everything is designed and planned. Just gotta find the time to create the new rooms. I'll post an update soon to give some news!

Thanks a lot for your interest in our game, I'm so happy to see this!

Oh and to give you some more news, the remainder of the team is working on an exciting new project beside the final update of Just More Doors. It's not a sequel but we did notice that a lot of people liked this type of game. I'm sure you'll like it! You'll be hearing more from it when we'll have enough things to show.


Super hyped! I love the style you guys take with these projects, and being so down to earth with the comments is sick too :o thanks a bunch!!

Thank you! We'll try to make other games with this vibe. We just released a new devlog about Just More Doors, do not hesitate to take a look at it, there's some info about the final update.


442, and yes, I got it because I was trying to glitch the game


Definitely a thinker but overall a good game.


I loved this! I don't think I got quite everything but I very much enjoyed the game. One small note I would add is that it felt a bit disappointing to find all the hidden rooms only for them to be nothing, a monument to stare at, the only one that provided some sort of interaction was the radio seeds one, so I would have wished to see more that you could actually interact with. Other than that I can't say there's anything I dislike! I loved everything, from the way the models gave a very modern and secluded feel to the rooms, to the audio design, to even the fact that there was a secret button that turn everything to comic sans, everything was fantastic! I will be playing more Teagher Studio games very soon!



I found a lot of secrets (i will post vid later)



also i won with 0 doors crossed cuz im too big brain 4 u

Ok the story of this button is simple : we had an empty space in the options menu. It was ugly. We put a button. Well we didn't know what this button would do so we named it "???". And at some point in the making of this game, one of the devs just made it change EVERY TEXTS to use the font comic sans. And that's it, pure randomness ahah.

Awesome game, i think when i found "That" room for me that is the END, maybe am i wrong ? i don't know
(1 edit)

(This is not an ending, there is a true ending but it's different)





Just for that Stanley reference i say that this is epic


did not expect to play a fricking backrooms simulator today, but here we are

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Hi, i did finish the game..but i feel like 1 ending is under-rewarding for a game like this....
a 2 hours playtime is barely enough to understand the many options u have...
i am sad i can't replay the intro scene even re-unzipping the game..
about the current feels deserved but not that special...knowing that you can miss on the opportunity to see so many rooms is just meh...

i kinda tried some weird strats that maybe they could have made into a using the low grav room to try to go back to the room above... or trying mixing up rainbow light up and rainbow light down (i cant' spoiler much)
i tried to spy on top of the maze* i tried to go down when collecting umbrella...all those could have made into new rooms...
i also tried jumping on top of ropes of extra museum areas...
i was quite confused about the color pattern changing everywhere...but still pretty fun touch...
i felt like most easter egg rooms were yes spooky but also kinda empty
the pad for the code having way too many codes is just not that intresting...unless u have to copy more than 4 codes i gave up on keeping track of them cos' of lack of variety on the room where you end up...still so many good possibilities

well nice little project

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the game and thanks for the feedback.

For the intro part, you can totally replay it. Go into the options, and there's a checkbox named "Skip Intro". Untick it, and play! You'll be back to the intro.

once i tried to get radio seeds and got sent to a BLACK void instead of a white one also can yall add a ps1/psx themed room and/or a childs room? 

id also ask for a a school and/or classroom, a radio forest and a ifninte room

Psst... It's a secret but we are kinda planning on adding a PSX themed room in the final update. BUT SHHHH IT'S A SECRET.

(3 edits) (+2)

the best part of this game was when i opened that door, oh, that door was so good.

still there are some things, like, when i opened that other door it wasnt so cool than that door...

but i cant reach the code on pool 4 tho, its too high and hard, tried to do some things to get there but its no use

10/10 tho


I really want to find that door… so many doors to choose though. Great work! Really enjoyed this and plan on making a second video. The museum was very nice lol.

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